Our colonies are located year-round at the base of the Wasatch Mountains on a boundary between urban and wildlife environments. Far removed from agricultural operations, they are not subject to commercial pesticide applications or monocultured landscapes, nor treated with antibiotics or synthetic chemicals. The foraging range of our bees is dominated by true wildflowers and countless residential gardens.
We harvest the honey incrementally and manually extract it. Small batches minimize colony impact and capture the distinct flavors that occur across a wide spectrum of spring and summertime nectars.
There is no factory. Our operation is not automated and we do not mass produce. We do not feed our bees sugar water, corn syrup or pollen substitute. They live entirerly off the bounty they collect. Healthy Beeing is not a food processor. We do not heat or filter. This is handcrafted honey. By the strictest definition, we offer a truly artisanal product. Without reservation, we believe you will not find a more honest and uncompromised jar of honey anywhere.